Born and raised in West
Hartford, Connecticut |
Third Generation builder
since 1938 |
Graduated 1978 Bryant
College with a B.S. degree |
Continued family
tradition by forming Carnelli Corporation in 1979 |
Building homes and
developing land for 23 years, through good times and bad |
Received the NATIONAL
ENERGY WATCH award from Northeast Utilities in 1980 |
Certified technician in
York Heat Pump Installation and repairs |
One of the
original approved builders in the now famous "Devonwood"
Community |
My homes reflect the
highest degree of craftsmanship built in Simsbury, Avon, Burlington, Granby,
Farmington, Glastonbury, West Hartford, Bolton, Provincetown and Nantucket,
MA |
Each of my homes is
custom designed for site and street appeal |
I am able to provide my
clients with warranty service well beyond the mandated 1 year requirement |
Due to my experience in
residential construction and development I am able to assist the homeowner
in all avenues of construction, from financial assistance and site location
to interior decorating |
When you deal with me
you are working directly with the sole proprietor and no front or middlemen |
 | Married with 3
children residing in Farmington, Connecticut |